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The Legal and Research Department of the Chancellery of the Riigikogu replies to the information requests of the MPs, presents its opinions and analyses draft legislation, explanatory memoranda and other procedural documents proceeded by the Riigikogu. The Legal and Research Department also commissions expert opinions and studies from research institutions to provide the Riigikogu with the needed background information for discussing and proceeding draft legislation.

Topic sheets

At the initiative of the Department, topic sheets are published at least twice a month on issues that are important for the work of the MPs and the staff of the Chancellery, as well as on current social issues.

Studies and expert opinions

At the proposal of Riigikogu committees, the Legal and Research Department also commissions expert opinions and applied studies from universities and other institutions, to provide the background information that the Riigikogu needs in its work.

August Rei scholarship

The Chancellery of the Riigikogu has founded the August Rei scholarship for post-graduate and PhD students who are writing their thesis on the parliament, parliamentarianism or parliamentary assemblies in Estonia.

Special Prize of the Chancellery of the Riigikogu

The Chancellery of the Riigikogu has joined the national contest for university students organised by the Estonian Research Council in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Research. The aim of the contest is to promote research among university students, urge them to be more active, and acknowledge students who have achieved outstanding results in their work. The aim of the special prize awarded by the Chancellery of the Riigikogu is to recognise and encourage research into parliamentary issues. Read further about the special prize (in Estonian) here.


  • The book called "Parlamentarism"

    Studies and expert assessments

    At the proposal of Riigikogu committees, the Legal and Research Department also commissions expert opinions…
  • August Rei scholarship

    In 2008, the Chancellery of the Riigikogu founded August Rei Scholarship in Parliamentary Studies that…


Last updated: 03.11.2022
