Estonia 200 Parliamentary Group
Estonia 200 is an innovative, patriotic, and liberal party. It is future oriented and prioritises the next generations. It is a party that offers people the opportunity to become smarter and wealthier. And happier.
Estonia is not done and dusted. On the contrary – there is still an endless path ahead of us. We are facing challenges that demand long-term vision and brave decisions: ensuring national security, defending democracy, enhancing economic competitiveness, improving the wellbeing of the people.
Estonia needs to be ready. Ready to take a new developmental leap. The changing world of today offers excellent opportunities for this. Opportunities to become smart and wealthy. Opportunities to become the best in the world. We should not settle with anything less than being the best in the world. This must be Estonia’s new level and new goal.
Estonia 200 is not lacking courage, will, or determination.
The long-term plan of Estonia 200 includes ideas that take Estonia to a new level. We will not accept mediocre governance or politics. Estonia deserves the best. We need to achieve a new quality in Estonia’s education, security, governance, health care, economy, and energy. We will not be placated with excuses about why something is impossible. Everything is possible with us. It is possible to be smart and wealthy. It is possible to be different and special.
World view
We are a progressive and future-oriented party. We are building up a society where no generation lives at the expense of others. We promote the restructuring of the state to meet the 21st century ideals and make use of the modern technology. We believe that the revitalisation of Estonia’s economy should be based on a climate friendly industrial sector, optimally educated and smart labour force, and taking the digitalisation success story to the next level. We champion sustainable and smart use of resources, transferral to circular economy, and progression towards carbon neutrality.
We believe that Estonia should proudly stand among the global trailblazers. With this in our sights, we need to take part in building a world order that protects the freedoms of people and countries by belonging to international organisations and associations.
We are a party of patriots who prize the Estonian language and culture, which makes us push for the best education system in the world and prioritise the development of innovative research in Estonia.
We are committed to ensuring that Estonia is a country where the fundamental rights and freedoms of every human being are protected, regardless of their gender, language, religion, convictions, background, race, or sexual orientation.

- Toomas Uibo
- Chairman
- Telefon+372 6316622

- Marek Reinaas
- Deputy Chairman
- Telefon+372 6316693

- Kadri Tali
- Deputy Chairman
- Telefon+372 6316563

- Lauri Hussar
- Telefon+372 6316301

- Ando Kiviberg
- Telefon+372 6316657

- Irja Lutsar
- Telefon+372 6316467

- Juku-Kalle Raid
- Telefon+372 6316562

- Grigore-Kalev Stoicescu
- Telefon+372 6316472

- Peeter Tali
- Telefon+372 6316556

- Tarmo Tamm
- Telefon+372 6316565

- Igor Taro
- Telefon+372 6316512

- Tanel Tein
- Telefon+372 6316478

- Hendrik Johannes Terras
- Telefon+372 6316615
- Triin Ratassepp
- Adviser, Head of Secretariat
- Telefon+372 6316643
- Mathi Kivi
- Media Adviser
- Telefon+372 6316643
- Jaana Hinno
- Adviser
- Telefon+372 6316645
- Klaudia Kaasik
- Media Adviser
- Telefon+372 6316641
Last updated: 21.09.2023