Work of the Environment Committee

The Environment Committee is a standing committee of the Riigikogu that deals with draft legislation on environmental policy, environmental protection, the use of natural resources, nature conservation, and also ratification of international agreements concerning the environment. The Committee also exercises control over the activities of the Government within its area of activity.

Work with draft legislation

In the field of environmental policy, the Committee discusses the development plans concerning the environment. The most important of them has been the Estonian Environmental Strategy Until the Year 2030.

In the sphere of the use of natural resources, the Committee deals with the draft legislation regulating the protection and use of fish and game resources, wild fauna and flora, forest, mineral resources and water.

In the sphere of environmental protection, the Committee deals with the draft legislation on regulating artificial environmental factors and monitoring natural environmental factors, which is connected with the protection of ambient air, water and soil, and waste and packagings.

In the sphere of nature conservation, the Committee deals with the draft legislation connected with protected natural objects, and protection of shores, banks and landscape.

The Environment Committee also deals with all draft legislation providing horizontal environmental protection measures, which include environmental monitoring and supervision, environmental charges and responsibility, environmental impact assessment and environmental management systems.

Other functions

The Environment Committee provides opinions on the EU draft legislation concerning environmental issues. It can also initiate draft legislation and the the deliberation of an issue as a matter of significant national importance at the plenary session of the Riigikogu.


Last updated: 23.10.2023
