The Constitutional Assembly was the representative body established for drawing up the new Constitution of the Republic of Estonia which was formed by the Committee of Estonia and the Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia on 20 August 1991. The Assembly functioned until 10 April 1992, it held 30 sittings and prepared the drafts of the new Constitution and the implementing Act.

Constitutional Assembly in July 1992. Author Tiit Veermäe. Photo in the Estonian Film Archives.


The Constitutional Assembly or was the representative body established for drawing up the new Constitution of the Republic of Estonia. It was formed by the Committee of Estonia and the Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia on 20 August 1991. The Assembly included 30 deputies from the Supreme Council and 30 deputies from the Congress of Estonia. Tõnu Anton was elected the Chairman of the Assembly, and Lauri Vahtre and Ülo Uluots were elected Vice-Chairmen.

The Constitutional Assembly was convened for the first sitting on 13 September 1991, and the last sitting was held on 10 April 1992.


The main mission of the Constitutional Assembly was to draw up the core text that is the basis of the sovereignty of Estonia – the Constitution of the state. Four draft Constitutions, including the 1938 Constitution of the Republic of Estonia, were submitted to the Assembly. On 11 October, the draft prepared by member of the Estonian National Independence Party Jüri Adams and his working group was decided to be taken as the basis for further work.

The Assembly held altogether 30 sittings, and by February 1992 it had prepared the drafts of the Constitution and the implementing Act. The Supreme Council decided to hold a referendum on these on 28 June 1992, however without the additional question prepared by the Assembly and approved by the Congress of Estonia as to whether to establish a temporary prohibition to stand as candidates for and assume elected positions of national importance for former high officials of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League.


Last updated: 07.07.2016
