11th Riigikogu
The 11th Riigikogu held the legislative power in Estonia from 27 March 2007 to 26 March 2011. Its members represented six political parties: the Estonian Reform Party, the Estonian Centre Party, the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union, the Social Democratic Party, the Estonian Green Party and the Estonian People’s Union. The 657 legislative acts that were passed reflected both the economic boom and recession and the beginning of new economic growth.
The 11th Riigikogu was elected by the citizens of Estonia on 4 March 2007. 555,463 people or 61 per cent of the 897,243 citizens with the right to vote took part in the elections. The highest number of votes was cast for the Estonian Reform Party, who received 153,044 votes (27.8%), and the Estonian Centre Party, who received 143,518 votes (26.1%).
975 persons stood as candidates in the Riigikogu elections. 968 persons ran on the lists of 11 political parties, and 7 persons ran as independent candidates. Six political parties exceeded the 5% election threshold stipulated by the Riigikogu Election Act:
- the Estonian Reform Party,
- the Estonian Centre Party,
- the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union,
- the Social Democratic Party,
- the Estonian Green Party and
- the Estonian People’s Union.
The Riigikogu elected Ene Ergma from the Union for the Republic – Res Publica as its President and Kristiina Ojuland from the Estonian Reform Party and Jüri Ratas from the Centre Party as its Vice Presidents.
The 11th Riigikogu was convened for its first sitting on 2 April 2007 and it held its last sitting on 23 February 2011. The mandate of this Riigikogu lasted from 27 March 2007 to 26 March 2011.
The 11th Riigikogu passed 554 laws, 99 resolutions and 4 other acts.
The most important Acts passed by the 11th Riigikogu were the Employment Contracts Act, the Euro Adoption Act and the Traffic Act. In comparison to other legislation, the impact of these three Acts was greater and influenced most of the people of Estonia. Extensive information campaign in the media was carried out both before and after the passing of all the three Acts.
Membership in the European Union and the coalition of the Reform Party, the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union and the Social Democratic Party left a political impact on the legislation of this period. For almost half of the period of the mandate of the 11th Riigikogu, power was held by the coalition of the Reform Party and the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union. This factor was reflected in several Acts.
In June 2008, the Riigikogu ratified the Treaty of Lisbon amending the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty establishing the European Community; it became the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union. The treaty that reformed the organisation and the proceedings of the European Union entered into force on 1 December 2009.
The 11th Riigikogu passed 554 laws, 99 resolutions and 4 other acts. These legislative acts reflected both the economic boom and recession and the beginning of new economic growth.
Last updated: 07.07.2016