Submit collective proposal
Collective proposal can be used for making proposals to the Riigikogu on how to amend the existing regulations or improve the community life. An proposal should have at least 1000 signatures in support, given by citizens of Estonia. The proposal can be submitted in electronic form or on paper.
When the proposal has been submitted to the Riigikogu, we will verify whether it is in accordance with the law and corresponds to the requirements. After that, the Board of the Riigikogu appoints a lead committee who will discuss the proposal.
Initiate a collective proposal to the Riigikogu or join it!
There are several possibilities for conducting proceedings on an proposal. is a new web platform that enables to co-create, sign digitally, propose to the Parliament and follow the processing of collective proposals.
A committee may decide to:
- Initiate a legislative draft
- Initiate a deliberation of matter of significant national importance
- Hold a public sitting
- Make a proposal to the competent institution or the Government to take a position and reply to the collective proposal
- Make a motion to reject the proposal
- Solve the problem raised in the proposal in some other way
A committee will make a decision on the proposal within six months after the proposal has been accepted.
Please read also the procedure for conducting proceedings on collective proposals!
Last updated: 24.09.2020