You can submit an information request if you need information in an issue concerning the work of the Riigikogu or its Chancellery, or if you wish to consult a specific document. We reply to information requests on the same day, if possible, but definitely within 5 working days.

We cannot satisfy your request if you ask information intended for internal use, or other information subject to publication restrictions, such as personal data.

Please note that if you request an official opinion, assessment or summary, ask us to intervene, point out flaws, etc., we have to first create a document or compile the information in order to reply to you. Such requests are classified as requests for explanations or memoranda, which we will reply to within 30 calendar days.

You can submit a request for information to the Riigikogu or its Chancellery by filling in a web form.


Please also read the procedure for processing information requests!

Annex 1. Rules of Records Management of the Riigikogu and the Chancellery of the Riigikogu

1. General provisions

1.1 The Procedure for Processing Information Requests regulates the recording of the information requests received by the Riigikogu and its Chancellery, and responding to these.

1.2. A request for information is a request to receive information expressed in the manner provided in the Public Information Act concerning a document or a piece of information not in the form of a document (i.e. information known by officials but not set down on paper) in the possession the Riigikogu or the Chancellery of the Riigikogu.

2. Receipt and forwarding of requests for information

2.1 Requests sent to the general contact addresses of the Riigikogu and its Chancellery, as well as those submitted to the Information Centre or the Sittings Department, are sent to the competent unit for reply.

2.2. A request for information is not registered in the document management system (DMS) if it has been submitted orally or by e-mail; the information request will be answered immediately or the next day after receipt, at the latest.

2.3. A written request is registered in the DMS on the date of arrival or the next day by the staff of the Sittings Department, who will also forward it to the competent unit for reply.

2.4. If the requested information has been published on the home page of the Riigikogu, the receiver or the processor of the request will immediately notify the submitter of the fact and will inform them of the location of the information and how to access it.

2.5. If the processor of the request for information suspects that the request is actually a memorandum or a request for explanation, or if the requested document could be subject to access restrictions, they may contact the staff of the Research Department for clarification.

3. Replying to requests for information

3.1. Replying to the requests is the duty of the official to whom the request has been forwarded for this purpose, or who has received the request.

3.2. Requests for information must be answered immediately or within five working days as of the next day after the registration of the request. If need be, the processor of the request may extend the term to up to 15 working days, notifying the submitter of the request of the fact.

3.3. The reply may be given:

3.3.1. orally;

3.3.2. in writing;

3.3.3. by directing the submitter to the location of the published information;

3.3.4. by giving out information on the spot at the Chancellery.

3.4. The processor of the request will register the reply to the request in the DMS if the request has previously been registered in the DMS.

3.5. If the Riigikogu or its Chancellery do not have the requested information, the processor of the request will determine the competent holder of information and will forward the request without delay, but no later than within five working days, also informing the submitter that their request has been forwarded.

3.6. Receiving information from documents with restricted access has been regulated under the Resolution of the Board of the Riigikogu On the Procedure for Using Internal Information of the Riigikogu and the Chancellery of the Riigikogu.

3.7. If replying requires printing out paper copies or printouts, the submitter of the request will pay from the 21st page onward, 19 cents per page. The Administrative Director may decide to waive the expenses under the Public Information Act.

4. Refusal to satisfy a request for information

4.1. The Riigikogu and its Chancellery will refuse to satisfy a request for information if:

4.1.1. the information or the document is subject to access restrictions and the submitter of the request is not authorised to access this information;

4.1.2. the Riigikogu and its Chancellery do not have the requested information and do not know who has, and are unable to find that out;

4.1.3. the attempts to clarify what kind of information the submitter requires fail;

4.1.4. the submitter has not paid for the expenses related to replying to their request (printing paper copies from the 21st page onward);

4.1.5. replying to the request would require changes in the organisation of work or unreasonably high costs;

4.1.6. a single transfer of information does not suffice as a reply;

4.1.7. the submitter has failed to provide their contact information;

4.1.8. there are other legal bases for a refusal.

4.2. The official responsible for the reply will notify the submitter of the refusal and of the justification behind this within five working days.

4.3. The refusal to reply will be registered in the DMS within five working days of the receipt of the request.



Last updated: 13.01.2022
