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Toimiku andmed

Algataja: Euroopa Komisjon
Algatatud: 21.09.2020
Tähis: COM(2020) 585
Pealkiri inglise keeles: Proposal for a COUNCIL DECISION on the position to be taken on behalf of the European Union in the 66th session of the Harmonized System Committee of the World Customs Organization in relation to the envisaged adoption of Classification Opinions, classification decisions, amendments to the Harmonized System Explanatory Notes or other advice on the interpretation of the Harmonized System and recommendations to secure uniformity in the interpretation of the Harmonized System under the Harmonized System Convention COM(2020) 585
Juhtivkomisjon: Euroopa Liidu asjade komisjon
Valdkond: Majandus ja rahandus

Euroopa Liidu algatuse menetluskäik

Euroopa Liidu algatused
21.09.2020 Ettepanek - COM(2020) 585