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Kuupäev: 12.03.2013
Toimiku viit: 1-2/13-111
Pealkiri: Ettepanek: EUROOPA PARLAMENDI JA NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV, millega kehtestatakse mereala ruumilise planeerimise ja rannikualade integreeritud haldamise raamistik {SWD(2013) 64 final} {SWD(2013) 65 final} COM(2013) 133
Koosseis: 12
Toimiku liik: EL toimik
Märksõnad: merepiirkond, asulaplaneerimine, majandusareng, merevarad, säästev areng, veemajandus, ranniku saastamine, loodusvarade majandamine
Aastaarv: 2013
Tähis: COM(2013) 133, C(2013)6980
Saabumise kuupäev: 12.03.2013
Valdkond: Keskkond
Seotud toimikud: Arvamuse küsimine - Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiivi ettepaneku, millega kehtestatakse mereala ruumilise planeerimise ja rannikualade integreeritud haldamise raamistik
Seotud dokumendid: Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiivi eelnõu, millega kehtestatakse mereala ruumilise planeerimise ja rannikualade integreeritud haldamise raamistik, menetlusse võtmine
Dokumendi pealkiri Liik Lisamise aeg
KESKK arvamus COM(2013)133 Valdkondliku komisjoni arvamus 26.03.2019
Arvamusest ettepanekule: EUROOPA PARLAMENDI JA NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV, millega kehtestatakse mereala ruumilise planeerimise ja rannikualade integreeritud haldamise raamistik C(2013)6980, COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 23.10.2013
Kaaskiri - COVER NOTE From: Italian Senate date of receipt: 16 July 2013 To: President of the Council of the European Union Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the council establishin a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 18.07.2013
Kaaskiri - COVER NOTE From: House of Representatives of the States General of the Netherlands date of receipt: 8 May 2013 To: President of the Council of the European Union Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliamentand of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 27.05.2013
Kaaskiri - COVER NOTE From: Lithuanian Parliament date of receipt: 13 May 2013 To: President of the Council of the European Union Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliamentand of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 24.05.2013
Kaaskiri - Cover Note Irish Parliament Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 15.05.2013
Kaaskiri - Cover Note The Romanian Senate Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589- COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 15.05.2013
Kaaskiri - Cover Note Flemish Parliament Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 15.05.2013
Kaaskiri - COVER NOTE From: The Portuguese Parliament date of receipt: 7 May 2013 To: The President of the Council of the European Union Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589- COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 14.05.2013
Kaaskiri - COVER NOTE From: Dutch Senate date of receipt: 8 May 2013 To: President of the Council of the European Union Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589- COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 14.05.2013
Kaaskiri - COVER NOTE from: President of the German Bundesrat date of receipt: 3 May 2013 to: President of the Council of the European Union Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 14.05.2013
Kaaskiri - COVER NOTE From: Irish Senate date of receipt: 13 May 2013 To: President of the Council of the European Union Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 14.05.2013
Kaaskiri - COVER NOTE from: Finnish Parliament date of receipt: 8 May 2013 to: President of the Council of the European Union Subject: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 14.05.2013
Kaaskiri - Cover Note Swedish Parliamen - Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management[doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 final] EL dokument 06.05.2013
Eesti seisukohad Euroopa Parlamendi ja nõukogu direktiivi, millega kehtestatakse mereala ruumilise planeerimise ja rannikualade integreeritud haldamise raamistik, eelnõu kohta COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 03.05.2013
Kaaskiri - Cover Note Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for maritime spatial planning and integrated coastal management [doc. 7510/13 POLGEN 39 POLMAR 1 PESC 296 COSDP 237 AGRI 179 TRANS 116 JAI 208 ENV 216 PECHE 102 CODEC 589 - COM(2013) 133 final] - Opinion on the application of the Principles of Subsidiarity and Proportionality COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 30.04.2013
COM(2013) 133 / Letter. Õigusakti eelnõu edastamine vastavalt Euroopa Liidu lepingu ja Euroopa Liidu toimimise lepingu protokollile nr 2 subsidiaarsuse ja proportsionaalsuse põhimõtte kohaldamise kohta EL dokument 18.03.2013
Töödokument SWD(2013)65 EL algatusele COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 12.03.2013
KOMISJONI TALITUSTE TÖÖDOKUMENT SWD(2013)64. MÕJUHINNANGU KOMMENTEERITUD KOKKUVÕTE Lisatud dokumendile: ETTEPANEK: EUROOPA PARLAMENDI JA NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV, millega kehtestatakse mereala ruumilise planeerimise ja rannikualade integreeritud haldamise raamistik {COM(2013) 133 final} {SWD(2013) 65 final} EL dokument 12.03.2013
Ettepanek: EUROOPA PARLAMENDI JA NÕUKOGU DIREKTIIV, millega kehtestatakse mereala ruumilise planeerimise ja rannikualade integreeritud haldamise raamistik {SWD(2013) 64 final} {SWD(2013) 65 final} COM(2013) 133 EL dokument 12.03.2013