Toimik: Teade - NOTE From: General Secretariat of the Council To: Permanent Representatives Committee Subject: Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL establishing a framework for ensuring a secure and sustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU) 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020 - Analysis of the final compromise text with a view to agreement - 15686/1/23
Dokumendi viit: 1-2/23-863/1
Dokumendi loomise kuupäev: 29.11.2023
Pealkiri: Teade - NOTEFrom: General Secretariat of the CouncilTo: Permanent Representatives CommitteeSubject: Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT ANDOF THE COUNCIL establishing a framework for ensuring a secure andsustainable supply of critical raw materials and amending Regulations (EU)168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, 2018/1724 and (EU) 2019/1020- Analysis of the final compromise text with a view to agreement - 15686/1/23
Liik: Nõukogu/Ülemkogu teised dokumendid
Saatja: Euroopa Liidu Nõukogu
Vastutav komisjon: Euroopa Liidu asjade komisjon
Faili nimi Juurdepääsupiirang Piirangu alus Kehtiv kuni
ST15686-RE01.EN23.PDF Avalik
ST15686-RE01.EN23.DOCX Avalik
Proposal_for_a_REGULATION_OF_THE_EUROPEAN_PARLIAMENT_AND_OF_THE_COUNCIL_establishing_a_framework_for_ensuring_a_secure_and_sustainable_supply_of_critical_raw_materials_and_amending_Regulations_(EU)_168-2013__(EU)_2018-858__2018-1724_and_(EU)_2019-1020_-_A.txt Avalik