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Toimik: Ettepanek: EUROOPA PARLAMENDI JA NÕUKOGU MÄÄRUS, millega muudetakse määrust (EÜ) nr 810/2009, millega kehtestatakse ühenduse viisaeeskiri (viisaeeskiri) SWD(2018) 77; SWD(2018) 78; COM(2018) 252
Dokumendi viit: 1-2/18-166/7
Dokumendi loomise kuupäev: 29.06.2018
Pealkiri: Parandus - CORRIGENDUM This document corrects SWD(2018) 252 final of 24.5.2018. This version corrects a mistake in Figure 3 on page 9, specifically: the ECB original capital key for France should have read 0.142 rather than 0.242. The other values in the table which depend via algebraic manipulation on this entry are also suitably corrected. The text should read as follows: COMMISSION STAFF WORKING DOCUMENT IMPACT ASSESSMENT An enabling regulatory framework for the development of sovereign bond-backed securities (SBBS) Accompanying the document Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on sovereign bond-backed securities SWD(2018) 77; SWD(2018) 78; COM(2018) 252
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