Three Bills were dropped from the proceedings of the Riigikogu
Three Bills were rejected at the first reading.
The Bill on Amendments to the Emergency Act (124 SE), initiated by Members of the Riigikogu Arvo Aller and Martin Helme, was intended to provide for the bases for the establishment of a national food stockpile, and the recognition of the food stockpile as an essential service. According to the Bill, the establishment, management, and release of a stock of foodstuffs would be regulated by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications who would also organise the continuity of supply of foodstuffs as an essential service.
Arvo Aller (Estonian Conservative People’s Party) took the floor during the debate.
The Constitutional Committee moved to reject the Bill at the first reading. 44 members of the Riigikogu backed the motion and 14 members of the Riigikogu were against it. The Bill was dropped from the legislative proceedings.
The Bill on Amendments to the Atmospheric Air Protection Act (160 SE), initiated by Member of the Riigikogu Kalle Grünthal, was intended to specify the environmental requirements for aviation fuel and to ban the use of nano-component energy supplement and liquid hydrocarbon fuel additive in aircraft in Estonian airspace.
Igor Taro (Estonia 200) took the floor during the debate.
The Environment Committee moved to reject the Bill at the first reading. 51 members of the Riigikogu supported the motion and four were against. The Bill was dropped from the legislative proceedings.
The Bill on Amendments to the Earth’s Crust Act (121 SE) initiated by Members of the Riigikogu Rain Epler, Mart Helme and Martin Helme, was intended to simplify the process for processing applications for permits for geological investigation and exploration permits in order to contribute to the exploration of earth resources in Estonia. Under the current Act, the issuer of permits sends the application for an exploration permit for an opinion to the relevant local government who submits an opinion in writing within two months after receipt of the application. According to the Bill, only a notification on the application for an exploration permit would have been sent to the local government.
The Environment Committee moved to reject the Bill at the first reading. 43 members of the Riigikogu supported the motion and 9 were against. The Bill was dropped from the legislative proceedings.
Verbatim record of the sitting (in Estonian)
Video recording will be available to watch later on the Riigikogu YouTube channel.
Riigikogu Press Service
Gunnar Paal
+372 631 6351, +372 5190 2837
[email protected]
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