This working week will see Riigikogu conduct proceeding of ten Bills
The Riigikogu approved the agenda for the working week. The Draft Resolution on the appointment of the representative of Estonia to the Control Committee of the Nordic Investment Bank (265 OE) is going to be at the first reading at Tuesday’s sitting. The Bill on Amendments to the Plant Protection Act and Associated Acts (215 SE) is going to be at the third reading on Wednesday. The Bill on Amendments to the Youth Work Act and the Hobby School Act (232 SE) and the Professions Bill (213 SE) are going to be at the second reading. Six Bills are going to be at the first reading: the Bill on Amendments to the Structural Assistance for the Period of 2004-2006 Act and the Structural Assistance for the Period of 2007-2013 Act (266 SE), the Bill on Accession to Protocol of 2003 to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992 (247 SE), the Bill on Accession to Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds (258 SE), the Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Bill (259 SE), the Bill on Amendments to the Code of Misdemeanour Procedure, the Courts Act, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Civil Procedure (260 SE) and the Bill on Amendments to the Universities Act, the Private Schools Act and the Institutions of Professional Higher Education Act and Associated Acts (272 SE). The Bill on Amendments to the Youth Work Act and the Hobby School Act (232 SE) and the Professions Bill (213 SE) are going to be at the third reading on Thursday.
During the open microphone, Marek Strandberg and Silver Meikar took the floor.
The Riigikogu Press Service