The Riigikogu approved the agenda for the working week, according to which, at Tuesday’s sitting, the Minister of Justice
Rein Lang will present a report on implementation of the development objectives of criminal policy until 2010 and crime in 2009. Then, two Bills will be at the first reading: the Bill on Amendments to the Law of Property Act and the Bankruptcy Act (
593 SE) and the Bill on Amendments to the Law of Property Act and the Law of Obligations Act (
578 SE). Two Bills will be at the third reading at Wednesday’s sitting: the Bill on Amendments to the European Parliament Election Act (
524 SE) and (
341 SE), and the Bill on Amendments to the European Union Common Agricultural Policy Implementation Act (
646 SE). At Thursday’s sitting, the deliberation of foreign policy as a matter of significant national importance will be held. Reports will be by the Minister of Foreign Affairs
Urmas Paet and Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee
Sven Mikser. The Bill on Amendments to the Penal Code (
640 SE) is scheduled for the third reading.
The Social Democratic Party Faction as the initiator withdrew from the legislative proceeding
the Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Making a Proposal to the Government of the Republic” (
627 OE).
During the open microphone, Marika Tuus and Arvo Sarapuu took the floor.
The Riigikogu Press Service