The future of Europe was debated in the Riigikogu
The reports at the sitting were made by Chairperson of the European Union Affairs Committee Kristiina Ojuland, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Enn Eesmaa and Chairman of the Constitutional Committee Urmas Reinsalu.
Mrs. Ojuland focussed her report on the issues of the importance of the identity of the Member States of the EU, demographical crisis, immigration policy and competitiveness. In the words of Mrs. Ojuland, European immigration policy must take into account, first of all, the ability, need and wish of the EU Member States to receive immigrants. “We have warned that we do not support the possible establishment of a pan-European immigrants’ distribution network,” Mrs. Ojuland stated. Speaking of competitiveness, the Chairperson of the European Union Affairs Committee marked that in spite of criticism concerning Lisbon Strategy, one must not let the goals fixed in it thin out. “Each Member State must plan measures to enhance its economic growth and competitiveness on its own and with full responsibility, taking into account its situation,” she said.
Enn Eesmaa stated in his speech that Estonia is continuously interested in mobile, active EU, where competences are allocated thoughtfully, without over-coordinating.
Mr. Reinsalu concentrated his speech on the future of the European legal integration and, first and foremost, on the problems related to the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe. “The Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe is a living political reality, one that we know will never become a judicial reality in tits present form. Therefore we need a lively academic discussion on the subject concerning the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for Europe, “Mr. Reinsalu stressed.
Beside the Treaty Establishing a Constitution for aEurope, the debate also touched on the issues whether the European Union would continue its activities as an economic union or head for a stronger political association. The issue of the possible and desirable extent of the EU enlargement was also debated. A current problem for Estonia, the debate also involved the subject of integration into the Eurozone.
The Riigikogu passed with 45 votes in favour (1 against) the Postal Act (815 SE), which establishes requirements for submitters of universal postal services. A universal postal service is a public service, the objective of which is to ensure the accessibility of postal services on equal conditions to everybody.
The Riigikogu Press Service