The first Question Time of the new Riigikogu was held
In connection with the resignation of Member of the Riigikogu Urve Tiidus, the alternate member Sulev Vare took the oath of office.
At the Question Time Prime Minister Andrus Ansip, Minister of Internal Affairs Jüri Pihl and Minister of Education and Research Tõnis Lukas answered the questions of the members of the Riigikogu.
Andrus Ansip answered the question of Marika Tuus about the health policy included in the coalition agreement, the question of Keit Pentus about the revenue stamps of tobacco and alcohol, the question of Taavi Rõivas about the budget balance and the question of Urmas Klaas about the distribution of revenue in the society.
Answering the question of Aleksei Lotman about the organisation of work of the Security Police Board and the Police Board in preventing possible provocations, Jüri Pihl affirmed: “These two institutions cooperate fully and according to the relevant plans, continuous analysis of the situation helps to monitor it.” As concerns May 9, according to the words of Jüri Pihl, the readiness of the Estonian law enforcement bodies is better than last year.
Minister of Internal Affairs also answered the question of Kalle Laanet about the possible transfer of the Central Criminal Police to the area of government of the Ministry of Justice and about the merger of the Border Guard and the Police, and also about the preparations for joining the Schengen visa area, the question of Mart Jüssi about the readiness of the pollution abatement capacity, and the question of Raivo Järvi about the combat against organised crime.
Tõnis Lukas answered the question of Maret Merisaar about the environmental education and the cooperation between the two relevant ministries. Tõnis Lukas also answered the questions raised by Karel Rüütli about the prerequisites for and objective of receiving education allowances.
The Riigikogu Press Service