Extraordinary Session of the Riigikogu on 23 December at 1 p.m.

On the motion of the Economic Affairs Committee, at today’s second extraordinary session the Riigikogu concluded the second reading of the Bill on Amendments to the Traffic Act and Associated Acts (874 UA), which the President of the Republic had refused to proclaim. Pursuant to the motions to amend, the provisions of the Bill are changed so that the new Traffic Act that was due to enter into force as of 1 January 2011 will enter into force on 1 July 2011. The Bill was sent to the third reading.
At the extraordinary session that took place today at 10 a.m., the Riigikogu decided to make amendments to this Bill, and the President of the Riigikogu Ene Ergma convened an extraordinary session of the Riigikogu for the second reading of the Bill on Amendments to the Traffic Act and Associated Acts (874 UA) on 23 December at 1 p.m.
On the proposal of the President of the Riigikogu, the third extraordinary session for the third reading of the Bill (874 SE) will take place one hour after the second reading of the Bill is concluded, i.e. today at 2.25 p.m.
The Riigikogu Press Service