Sulling replied to interpellation concerning problems of Enterprise Estonia
Minister Anne Sulling replied to the interpellation concerning the problems of Enterprise Estonia (No 398), submitted by Members of the Riigikogu Kadri Simson, Tarmo Tamm, Valeri Korb, Kalev Kallo, Viktor Vassiljev, Urbo Vaarmann and Lauri Laasi on 10 April.
The interpellators referred to the fact that if the volume of the supports forwarded had been 9 million euro in the last financing period, then it will amount as much as up to 600 million euro in this financing period. In the opinion of the interpellators, from time to time, it tends to happen that some decisions remain unclear. Some enterprises who receive support do not use it for the intended purpose. Enterprise Estonia has not paid due attention to all misuses up to now. A great part of the problem is that there have been troubles with the management of Enterprise Estonia. Therefore the interpellators asked the Minister what the greatest problems of Enterprise Estonia were, and how they were going to be solved.
Sulling explained that the issues concerning the management of Enterprise Estonia had begun to be resolved. “The new Supervisory Board of Enterprise Estonia was appointed on 5 May, and the competition for the new Chairman was launched on 6 May. I personally can see opportunities rather than problems in the case of Enterprise Estonia,” Sulling said. In her words, Enterprise Estonia is generally up to its tasks. However, even when things are well, one should always look for ways to do better. The Minister explained that the first challenge that the new Supervisory Board of Enterprise Estonia is facing is to set up a well-functioning executive management. This time, the Supervisory Board will form the Management Board in Enterprise Estonia in a different way. Namely, the Supervisory Board will give the Chairman of the Management Board an opportunity to create a team according to his own discretion which will enable him to take better responsibility of the work of the team. An executive management working in unison should create preconditions for better functioning of the whole organisation.
As the next step, the Minister deems it necessary to update the action strategy of Enterprise Estonia and to think of the role of the organisation in the future. When speaking of foreign investments, Sulling noted that it is important to focus on the fields that the Estonian economy as a whole has the most to gain from. “In attracting foreign investments to Estonia, priority should be given to the investments that enable to produce high added-value products in Estonia and create well-paid jobs,” Sulling said. She attached importance to the enhancement of the maintenance and strengthening of customer relations. As a major task this year, Sulling mentioned the opening of the structural aid measures of Enterprise Estonia as planned in order to ensure the supporting of our enterprises in the most effective way through structural aid.
The Minister of Justice Andres Anvelt replied to the interpellation concerning the extradition of citizens to other countries (No 396).
Minister Urmas Kruuse replied to the interpellation concerning the unemployment insurance benefit of employees of enterprises in payment difficulties (No 397), and the interpellation concerning medical checks of young children (No 400).
The Minister of Social Affairs Helmen Kütt replied to the interpellation concerning medical checks of young children (No 399), and the interpellation concerning the financial support of the Ministry of Social Affairs to the guidance material “Auxiliary Instrument for Assessing the Welfare of a Child for Child Protection Workers” (No 403).
During the open microphone, Kadri Simson took the floor.
The Riigikogu Press Service