We are deeply concerned about recent events in Georgia. A threat to internal stability is also a threat to democracy and sovereignty of a state. The extremist appeals expressed on the streets will result in a strong setback in the recent years’ achievements of the state of Georgia. However, the declaration of an emergency situation and the closure of television stations is not a way out. On the contrary, it casts doubt on the progress Georgia has made to date and considerably reduces the possibility of future progress.  

The Estonia-Georgia Parliamentary Group of the Riigikogu calls upon Georgia to regain national unity. It is time to sit around a table together, to find peaceful solutions and to put an end to the street politics. Strong statements, resignation requests and the implementation of specific measures will not lead to efficient solutions. 

We reaffirm our continuous support to the state of Georgia – its sovereignty, territorial integrity and the right to independent decision-making. Especially at this moment, a joint effort should be made to protect these values. 

We equally call upon Russia to end any interference in the internal affairs of Georgia. 

On behalf of the Estonia-Georgia Parliamentary Group 

Andres Herkel,

