The Estonia-Georgia Parliamentary Group of the Riigikogu of Estonia supports Georgia’s initiatives aimed at resolving the frozen conflicts in Abkhazia and Southern Ossetia. The state of Georgia has in recent years demonstrated progress both in the development of democracy and in the creation of the necessary prerequisites for the successful functioning of economy. The latest proposals made by the President and the Parliament of Georgia aimed at resolving the situation in Southern Ossetia proceed from the principles of freedom and cultural autonomy.

The Georgia Parliamentary Group of the Riigikogu is convinced that the implementation of these proposals will secure peace and stability that the people need most. Our assessment of Georgia’s capacity to resolve these problems independently is high. The role of international organisations has to be that of consultation and assistance and Georgia’s authorities have repeatedly demonstrated their cooperation will in this respect.

In order to achieve a breakthrough, the Government of Georgia requires full control of its territory. No state should obstruct Georgia’s efforts to normalise the situation through self-initiative actions and illegitimate powers that be in its control. We would like to draw attention to the fact that the role of Russian peacekeepers in Southern Ossetia has long become a problem per se, and not part of the solution to the problem.

We urge to support Georgia on the issue and to protect the principles of democracy, human rights and cultural autonomy in the region.

Additional Information,


Andres Herkel,


The Estonia-Georgia Parliamentary Group

phone: +372 50 56540

