The Riigikogu approved with 84 votes in favour (1 against)
the Act on Amendments to the National Audit Office Act and the Authorised Public Accountants Act (
58 SE), initiated by the Government, which extends the term for taking the recertification examination for persons who have acquired the qualification of a sworn auditor and postpones the entry into force of the provisions concerning the right to engage independently in the internal auditor’s professional activities and to perform the sworn auditor’s professional assurance functions or to provide the auditor’s assurance services in a public sector entity, in order to ensure a sufficient transition period for implementation of the provisions of the National Audit Office Act and the Authorised Public Accountants Act. The regulation provided in the Act has received the approval of the Board of Auditors.
The Riigikogu concluded the first reading of
the Bill on Amendments to § 16 of the Roads Act (
22 SE), initiated by the Social Democratic Party Faction. The Bill provides that at least 15 per cent of the amount in the state budget received from fuel excise duty and prescribed for road management will be allocated for investments into local roads.
The Riigikogu Press Service