Riigikogu sent Bill on transitional aid for farmers to final voting
The Riigikogu passed with 66 votes in favour (1 abstention) the Resolution of the Riigikogu “Appointment of a Member of the Council for Allocation of Grants from Gambling Tax Revenues” (358 OE), submitted by the Finance Committee, by which the representative of the Ministry of Culture Siim Sukles was excluded from the membership of the Council, and the Secretary General of the Ministry of Culture Paavo Nõgene was appointed a member of the Council instead of him.
The Riigikogu concluded the second reading of the Bill on Amendments to the European Union Common Agricultural Policy Implementation Act (348 SE), initiated by the Government. According to the Bill, transitional aid will be granted to farmers in 2013 under the same conditions as the ones applied to direct payments in 2012. The Bill is intended to avoid a degradation of the economic situation and a reduction of the competitiveness of farmers in 2013 which would result from the loss of complementary direct payments without implementation of transitional aid. The European Union Common Agricultural Policy Implementation Act is amended by adding the necessary bases for granting transitional aids. All provisions concerning complementary direct payments established in 2012 will apply to transitional aid and the implementation thereof will not involve contentual amendments in the requirements and the procedure for receiving the aid. The Bill was sent to the third reading.
On the motion of the Constitutional Committee, the draft Resolution of the Riigikogu “Making a Proposal to the Government of the Republic” (253 SE), submitted by the Estonian Centre Party Faction, was rejected at the first reading. It had been intended to make a proposal to the Government to develop the legal bases for reorganisation of county government and termination of the institution of county governor. The result of voting: 17 votes in favour, 57 against. The Bill was dropped from the legislative proceeding.
The Riigikogu Press Service