The Riigikogu passed with 80 votes in favour the Act on Amendments to the State Budget Act, the Government of the Republic Act and Other Acts (790 SE), initiated by the Government, which introduces to the Act the terminological and contentual amendments arising from the Authorised Public Accountants Act which entered into force in 2010. It also specifies and amends the wording of the Authorised Public Accountants Act in view of the needs that have appeared upon implementation of the Act. The amendments concern, among other things, preparation of the annual reports of the state and auditing, the regulation concerning internal auditor’s professional activities, the National Audit Office as the auditor of the consolidation group of the state, the obligations relating to auditing, and audit committees.
The Riigikogu concluded the first reading of the Bill on Amendments to the Professions Act (842 SE), initiated by the Cultural Affairs Committee. The Bill extends the transition period from the 5-degree qualification levels system to an 8-degree qualification framework until 1 January 2014. The Bill is intended to prevent paralysation of the professions system when 90% of the bodies that award professions will lose the right to operate as of 1 January 2011 or when several hundreds of professional standards will become invalid in 2011. The Bill also eliminates the vagueness in defining a national curriculum. It will be possible to grant the rights of a body that awards a profession to the educational institutions who have national curriculums.
The Riigikogu Press Service