The Riigikogu passed with 71 votes in favour (1 abstention) the Act on Approval of Amendments to the Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (670 SE), initiated by the Government. The Riigikogu ratified the Helsinki Convention on 19 April 1995. As a majority of the requirements arising from the amendments to Annex III of the Helsinki Convention have already been implemented and are applicable now, then the passing of the Act will involve no significant impact on the environment. The purpose of the amendments to Annex III of the Helsinki Convention is to implement stricter measures in the Contracting Parties in order to reduce discharge of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds into the Baltic Sea with a view to avoiding eutrophication (enrichment by nutrients) thereof in order to ensure the possibility of self-regeneration of the sea. The amendments to the Act involve certain additional requirements for agricultural producers relating to the updating of the technology of spreading of fertilizers in some enterprises.
The Riigikogu concluded the first reading of the Bill on Amendments to the Tourism Act (677 SE), initiated by the Government. The purpose of the Bill is to specify and update, in the interests of legal clarity, the regulation relating to the activity of travel undertakings as provided in the Tourism Act. On the entry into force of the Act, the definition of package, the obligations of travel undertakings relating to the security, including the classification of areas of activity of travel undertakings, will be specified. The legal clarity arising therefrom will contribute to better compliance by travel undertakings with the requirements established by the Act and facilitate the exercise of supervision. It will also enable to make the activities of travel undertakings more transparent for consumers so that consumers can make an informed decision when buying a package and, among other things, assess the legitimacy of the activities of the travel undertaking, its reliability and the potential risks relating to the decision to buy the package.
At Question Time, Prime Minister Andrus Ansip answered the question about availability of medical care, submitted by Mai Treial. The Minister of Culture Laine Jänes answered the question about the future of county museums, submitted by Kadri Simson, the question about Estonia and UNESO, submitted by Mark Soosaar, and the question about the future of the Estonian National Opera and financing of sports, submitted by Enn Eesmaa.
The Riigikogu Press Service