The Riigikogu passed with 76 votes in favour the Act on Amendments to the Building Act (389 SE), initiated by the Government, which specifies the data and the procedure for issuing the documents regulating construction activities which are issued by the local government (written consent, building permit and permit for use of construction works) and provides several requirements and conditions relating to the construction and use of construction works. The Act also amends the regulations relating to energy performance of buildings. According to estimates, the Act will not bring about significant growth of administrative burden. As a result of the unambiguous regulation, various court actions will not arise or will become less frequent. 

The Riigikogu concluded the first reading of three Bills: 

The Bill on Amendments to subsection 11 (12) of the Institutions of Professional Higher Education Act (431 SE), initiated by the Government, will allow to compete to be admitted to student places for officer training at an institution of professional higher education for national defence also immediately after graduation from secondary school, that is, before completion of compulsory military service.

The Gambling Tax Bill (433 SE), initiated by the Government, amends the current regulation of gambling games, specifies or amends tax rates and, in addition, provides several new types of gambling games. Among other things, the tax rate of numbers lotteries will increase to 18 per cent instead of the current 10 per cent. 

The Bill on Amendments to the State Assets Act (436 SE), initiated by the Environment Committee, creates preconditions for forest owners to be able to acquire state-owned forest land bordering on their registered immovable. 

At Question Time, the Minister of Social Affairs Hanno Pevkur answered the question about social policy, submitted by Vilja Savisaar, the question about servicing capacity of the Pension Board, submitted by Marek Strandberg, and the question about pension policy, submitted by Mai Treial. The Minister of Education and Research Tõnis Lukas answered the question about education reform, submitted by Karel Rüütli. 

The Riigikogu Press Service
