The Riigikogu concluded the first reading of the Bill on Amendments to § 81 of the State Assets Act (398 SE), initiated by the Social Democratic Party Faction. According to the Bill, upon appointment of members of the supervisory boards of legal persons with state participation, a relevant Riigikogu committee will be involved which will have to grant its consent to the appointment of a person as a member of the supervisory board. The purpose of the Bill is to establish a transparent and wide-based decision-making process upon appointment of members of the supervisory boards of legal persons with state participation. 

On the motion of the Economic Affairs Committee, the Riigikogu rejected at the first reading the Bill on Amendments to the State Assets Act (397 SE), initiated by the Estonian Centre Party Faction, which had been intended to establish a salary ceiling for members of the management boards of companies that belong to the state or where the state has a majority holding. According to the Bill, the limit of the remuneration would have been 6000 euro per month. The result of voting: 39 votes in favour, 22 against. The Bill was dropped from the legislative proceedings. 

The Riigikogu Press Service 


