The Riigikogu passed two Acts and two Resolutions: 

The Defence League Act (190 SE), initiated by the Government, was passed with 86 votes in favour. It provides for the place of the Defence League in national defence, its aim, functions and structure, the legal bases for managing its activities, its membership and the rights and obligations of its members. The Act was prepared due to the need to bring the Act which is currently in force into conformity with the changes which have been made and are being made in the field of national defence. The Act fixes also the authority of the Commander of the Armed Forces in the activity of the Defence League, which is limited to military training. The Act provides for specialised organisations to be brought within the structure of the Defence League as its structural units. The Act also organises the regulation relating to the weapons of the members of the Defence League. 

Comments were presented by Mati Raidma, Ülo Tulik, Marianne Mikko and Aivar Riisalu

The Act on Amendments to the Political Parties Act (304 SE), initiated by the Constitutional Committee, which organises the technical provisions relating to the financing of political parties which serve as the basis for submitting uniform and clear reporting by political parties, was passed with 82 votes in favour. The Act brought the accounting terms and principles used into conformity with the general financial accounting terminology and principles. It provides a uniform web-based form for reporting which will also reduce the administrative burden related thereto. 

The Resolution of the Riigikogu “Amendment of the Resolution of the Riigikogu “Formation of the Select Committee on the Application of the Anti-corruption Act”” (370 OE), submitted by the Pro Patria and Res Publica Union Faction, by which Liisa-Ly Pakosta was appointed a member of the Select Committee instead of Erki Nool, was passed with 72 votes in favour. The change is made in connection with Erki Nool assuming the office of the Chairman of the Environment Committee. 

The Resolution of the Riigikogu “Removal of a Member and Appointment of a New Member of the Council of the Stabilisation Reserve Fund” (371 OE), submitted by the Finance Committee, by which Taavi Rõivas was removed from the Council and the Member of the Riigikogu Aivar Sõerd was appointed a member of the Council instead of him because Taavi Rõivas had been appointed the Minister of Social Affairs, was passed with 64 votes in favour. 

The Riigikogu heard the report on the implementation of “Main Objectives of Security Policy of Estonia until 2015” in 2012

The Minister of Internal Affairs Ken-Marti Vaher who presented a report pointed out the emphasises of the security policy. The report says that, in order to ensure the feeling of security of people, what is needed is the state’s capacity in responding to criminal offences, social control as well as people’s active participation in the maintenance of law and order. Only in the joint influence of these factors is it possible to effectively prevent criminal offences and to rapidly respond to them. According to the report, the number of aggravated breaches of public order fell by 218 in 2012; in three years this number has decreased by more than half. At the same time, there were more cases of physical abuse in a public place, in comparison with 2011. One reason for the growth of the statistical indicator is the prioritisation of this type of criminal offence in 2012 when it had been decided together with the Ministry of Justice that not a single case must be ignored. In most cases, such criminal offences are committed in dwellings or in public space. Cases of physical abuse are usually connected with the state of intoxication and such criminal offences are mostly committed on weekends and during night-time. 

To reduce the number of people who die in traffic accidents, emphasis is laid on prevention in traffic supervision and coordinated cooperation of agencies. As regards drivers, particular efforts are made to reduce exceeding the speed limit, driving in a state of intoxication and ignoring of safety devices. As regards pedestrians, attention is paid to the safe crossing of the road and the use of safety devices. 

In order that help would reach those in need more quickly, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has implemented two principles: the life-saving capacity of commandos and the role of volunteer rescuers have been increased. 

With a view to enhancing the shaping and implementation of the security policy, the functions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the agencies in its area of government had been changed and roles had been organised in 2012. Also, the working environments of officials had been updated in several regions and a new multifunctional spill response vessel had been taken into use. The report also highlighted as a significant development of the previous year the cooperation with other state authorities in the improvement of the joint use of resources. 

Rait Maruste, Peeter Võsa, Andres Anvelt and Marko Pomerants took the floor during the debate. 

The Riigikogu Press Service

