On the motion of the Social Affairs Committee, the first reading of the Bill on Amendments to § 41 of the Medicinal Products Act (758 SE), initiated by the Estonian Green Party Faction, was concluded. The first reading of the Bill on Amendments to § 41 of the Medicinal Products Act was concluded and the Bill was sent to the second reading. The amendment gives also to commercial associations the right to sell medicinal products. According to the Bill, authorities of executive power, local governments, other legal persons in public law, sole proprietors and legal persons in private law, except for non-profit associations, may be holders of the relevant activity licence. As the initiator asserted, the purpose of the amendment is to diversify the Estonian enterprise environment and to grant also joint activity enterprises an opportunity to engage in medicinal products business. The Bill was sent to the second reading.

On the motion of the Finance Committee, the first reading of the Bill on Amendments to the Alcohol, Tobacco, Fuel and Electricity Excise Duty Act and the Tobacco Act (779 SE), initiated by the same Committee, was concluded. The purpose of the Bill is to distribute the 20 per cent rise of the excise duty rate of cigarettes which is planned for 2011 to two years in order to reduce the risk of growth of the secret market arising from the sudden rise of the excise duty rate. The Bill replaces the 20 per cent rise of the excise duty rate of cigarettes in 2011 by 10 per cent excise duty raises in 2011 and 2012. The Bill also provides the definition of a large quantity of tobacco product which is not permitted to be handled. This will help to restrict the secret cigarettes market through improvement of the effectiveness of punishment measures. The Bill was sent to the second reading.
The Riigikogu Press Service