Riigikogu discussed Auditor General’s overview of use and preservation of state assets
Auditor General Mihkel Oviir presented a report to the Riigikogu today in connection with the overview of the use and preservation of state assets in 2010, submitted to the Riigikogu. In Oviir’s words, among other things, the National Audit Office had reviewed in depth the activity reports of five ministries in the consolidated annual report of the state: the activities of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications, the Ministry of Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education and Research, the Ministry of the Environment and the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It was revealed that Estonia has altogether two concerns in the area of government of these five ministries: first, the State Chancellery did not approve a European funds programme and, second, the number of children without parental care has increased. Oviir stated that he could not find a word about unemployment, poverty, or the concern about health care or the competitiveness of the economy. The Auditor General put the following question: “What results did the state achieve with the help of the money of all of us in reducing poverty and unemployment, reducing the waiting lists for medical care or supporting the competitiveness of the economy?” He continued: “The Ministry of Finance has included only positive aspects in the report. These 68 goals and important activities which were not achieved in these five areas of government last year were simply not reported to you.” Oviir stressed that the activity report has to be connected with money, that is, it has to indicate explicitly for what purposes and how much the Riigikogu has allocated and what has been achieved for this money. It should also show the reasons why the goals set were not achieved. The Auditor General asked the Riigikogu to request form the Government that it assess the impact of its activity and give an honest account of it. He urged Members of the Riigikogu to ask the Government what the problems in health care, the labour market, the economy and people’s subsistence are and to require an explanation as to what it has done to resolve the concerns and what results it has achieved.