The first reading of the Bill on Amendments to the Defence Forces Act (124 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic, was concluded. The objective of the Act is to allow personnel who have passed the specified age limit for contractual active service but are fit for service and needed in the Defence Forces to continue their service. The Act is also supposed to complement the changes brought along by the salary and pension reform of regular members of the Defence Forces, to eliminate defects which have surfaced in practice. The Government as the initiator of the Bill believes that regular members of the Defence Forces can continue their service on many positions where high special qualifications are required, after they have reached the age limit specified in the law. The initiator also believes that some members of the Defence Forces fulfil all requirements set for active service and can successfully continue their service after reaching the specified age limit. The specified age limit for soldiers and junior officers is 50, non-commissioned officers, Majors and Lieutenant Colonels 55, Colonels and higher officers 60 years of age. The Bill was sent to the second reading.

The Riigikogu Press Service

