Prime Minister replied to interpellation concerning assistance to Georgia
Prime Minister Andrus Ansip replied to the interpellation concerning the activities in Georgia (No 94), submitted by Members of the Riigikogu Vladimir Velman, Olga Sõtnik, Nelli Privalova, Kalev Kallo, Eldar Efendijev, Enn Eesmaa, Inara Luigas, Tiit Kuusmik, Heimar Lenk, Marika Tuus, Lauri Laasi and Valeri Korb on 8 October.
Prime Minister explained that, according to his information, the Member of the Riigikogu Mart Laar is the Adviser to the President of Georgia in economic reforms and his work, travel and accommodation costs are covered by the Office of the President of Georgia. In the beginning of the project, the activities of Mart Laar were also partially financed through the UN Development Programme. To the knowledge of Prime Minister, Mart Laar does not have a permanent representative in Georgia.
Ansip noted that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs requests that all officials of the Estonian state who are on an assignment in a certain state, contact the representation of Estonia and at least inform the representation of their stay in the country. “Georgia being one of the four target countries of Estonia’s development cooperation besides Moldova, Ukraine and Afghanistan, a number of Estonian experts, including officials, university teaching staff, employees of enterprises, members of non-profit associations and others, are staying in Georgia within the framework of different projects. To the knowledge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in 2008 there had been 29 Estonian experts advising and training in Georgia by 1 November within the framework of development cooperation projects,” said Prime Minister.
Prime Minister also replied to the interpellation concerning the closing of archives (No 95), submitted by Members of the Riigikogu Tiit Kuusmik, Evelyn Sepp, Eldar Efendijev, Nelli Privalova, Valeri Korb, Toomas Varek, Vladimir Velman, Toivo Tootsen, Kalle Laanet and Ain Seppik on 9 October.
The Minister of Justice Rein Lang replied to the interpellation concerning the court action concerning the obligations of the state owned public limited company Ookean (No 96), submitted by Members of the Riigikogu Kadri Simson, Toomas Varek, Valeri Korb, Tiit Kuusmik, Heimar Lenk, Vilja Savisaar, Ain Seppik, Kalle Laanet, Aadu Must, Jaak Aab, Toivo Tootsen, Kalev Kallo, Olga Sõtnik and Jüri Ratas on 15 October.
During the open microphone, Marek Strandberg took the floor.
The Riigikogu Press Service