Prime Minister Andrus Ansip made a political statement in the Riigikogu.

At the beginning of his speech Andrus Ansip said, “I intended to begin my today’s statement a bit differently, but the events that took place this morning do not allow me to do that. Physical attack against the Estonian Ambassador in Moscow which, thanks to the adequate measures of the Personal Protection Service, did not result in the worst, was not just a small joke of demonstrators. All that with continuing cyber attacks from the servers of Russian public agencies, together with tearing down the Estonian flag from our embassy, together with the appeals of the deputies of the Russian Duma to change the Government in Estonia, shows that our sovereign state is under a violent attack. All those events show us that those are not our domestic problems, but we are dealing with a coordinated and gross interference in the affairs of the state of Estonia.

Estonia has turned to the European Union with a request to react immediately. Because the attack against one of the Member States is the attack against the European Union.

Prime Minister said, “For me Estonia has always been a small and a beautiful state where the people who live there can feel themselves almost like a family. Such a family that cares about its common future. Where common values are shared. Where everything is done to make the life of descendants better.

Should the events that took place on two nights of the last week change my mind or our opinions, or this conviction?

No, they should not.

Raging and looting in the streets that took place on two nights of the last week gave us painful information about the fact that here, next to us, lives a small group of people who is not able and does not want to care for our common state. But the days that followed these depressing and anguishing nights have also given a feeling of security that there are lots of people who care for our country and who condemned the brutality of night looters.

“These are the people who, regardless of their nationality, love Estonia and who ascribe importance to the fact that our life would make progress here in the way and in this direction it has moved during the last sixteen years. These are the people for whom, regardless of their nationality, Estonia is the only one and their own, for whom the future of Estonia is the future of their own and their children. These people – speaking Estonian as well as Russian – form the absolute majority,” Prime Minister stressed.

The complete text of the Prime Minister is available at:

At Question Time Minister of Internal Affairs Jüri Pihl, Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet and Minister of Defence Jaak Aaviksoo answered the questions of the members of the Riigikogu. The questions concerned the events connected with the removal of the Bronze Soldier.

The verbatim record (in Estonian) can be found at:

The Riigikogu Press Service




