November 22
Minister of Defence Jaak Jõerüüt took the oath of office before the Riigikogu.
The replies to eight interpellations were heard in the Riigikogu.
Minister of Social Affairs Marko Pomerants replied to the interpellation (No. 113) concerning the financing of the HIV/AIDS prevention programmes, submitted by nine members of the Estonian Centre Party Faction.
Minister of Social Affairs said in his reply that in 2004 the money for the national HIV/AIDS prevention programme had been used to work out the health education part of the professional standard for teachers of human studies, to train the trainers in all the counties, in the fields of sexual and reproductive health and the prevention of the HIV, to establish a youth for youth network of trainers, on the local level to enhance the health promotion on the basis of activity plans, to provide information on the HIV on the Internet and in the media, to ensure access to minimum health services to HIV-positive persons not covered by health insurance, to train the employees of the syringe exchange centres and to finance the anonymous AIDS consulting rooms and services. The budget planned for the national programme in 2004 will be fully used and additional financial resources have been allocated for actions prescribed by programmes in the supplementary budget of the year 2004.
Minister of Social Affairs Marko Pomerants replied also to the interpellation (No. 106) concerning the public procurement ?The purchase of rehabilitation services for the persons released from prison and for the homeless in 2004?, submitted by six members of the Estonian Centre Party Faction, and to the interpellation (No. 109) concerning the occupational safety in Eesti Raudtee, submitted by the member of the Social Democratic Party Faction Kadi Pärnits.
Prime Minister Juhan Parts replied to the interpellation (No. 112) concerning the sports policy of the Government of the Republic, submitted by nine members of the Estonian Centre Party Faction.
Minister of Education and Research Toivo Maimets replied to the interpellation (No. 107) concerning the development of possibilities for studying and the improvement of the studying environment (programmes ?The 21st Century School? and ?The 21st Century Education?, submitted by seven members of the Estonian Centre Party Faction.
Minister of Finance Taavi Veskimägi replied to the interpellation (No. 108) concerning the problems connected with the rationalisation of the work of taxation and customs officials, submitted by the member of the Social Democratic Party Faction Kadi Pärnits, to the interpellation (No. 110) concerning the tax evasions and the work of the Tax Board, submitted by four representatives of the Estonian Centre Party Faction, and to the interpellation (No. 116) concerning the tax burden in 2005, submitted by 12 members of the Estonian Centre Party Faction.
The sitting ended at 6.16 p.m.
The Riigikogu Press Service