Next year state budget Bill was sent to third reading
The Riigikogu passed four Acts:
The Act on Amendments to the Support of Enterprise and State Loan Guarantees Act (323 SE), initiated by the Government, which specifies the concept of state guarantee, describes the mechanism for implementation of state liability and provides direct guaranteeing of obligations by the state as required by EU directives and brings it into conformity with the EU banking directives, was passed with 76 votes in favour. According to the latter, only such obligation as is directly guaranteed by the state is deemed to be a state guarantee, that is, risk free guarantee.
The Act on Amendments to the Electricity Market Act (335 SE), initiated by the Government, brings the Electricity Market Act into conformity with a EU procedure to be applied upon determining gas and electricity prices charged to industrial end-users, was passed with 77 votes in favour. The Act enables more specific information to be obtained on the formation of the price of electricity and network services. In addition, the obligation to submit electricity or network service price data is established for producers and line possessors (in cases when they provide network services to consumers) so that the bases for the formation of the price of electricity and network services would be as clear and transparent as possible in the situation of opening electricity market.
The Act on Approval of Constitution of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (336 SE), initiated by the Government, which approves the Constitution of UNESCO and completes the correct internal proceeding which was not done in 1991, was passed with 61 votes in favour.
The Bill on Ratification of Agreement on Participation of Republic of Bulgaria and Romania in European Economic Area (319 SE), initiated by the Government, which ratifies the European Economic Area (EEA) Enlargement Agreement, was passed with 60 votes in favour. According to the EEA Enlargement Agreement, the principles of the EEA Agreement are going to extend to Bulgaria and Romania in relationships with Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein after accession to the European Union. The purpose of the EEA Enlargement Agreement is to integrate the agreements concluded with the acceding states in accession negotiations with the EU into the EEA Agreement.
The Riigikogu concluded the second reading of seven Bills:
the State Budget of the Year 2009 Bill (346 SE), initiated by the Government. Six motions to amend the Bill were submitted for the second reading, of which the Finance Committee accepted only one – the motion to amend which had been submitted by the Committee itself. Approval of the motion to amend involves a minor restructuring of the budgets of Ministries and divisions thereof. The Estonian Centre Party Faction and the Estonian People’s Union Faction moved to suspend the second reading of the Bill. The motion was not supported. The result of voting: 28 votes in favour, 53 against. The Bill was sent to the third reading. The term for submission of motions to amend is 25 November, 6.00 p.m.
The Bill on Amendments to the Income Tax Act, the Value Added Tax Act and the State Fees Act (347 SE), initiated by the Government. The Estonian Centre Party Faction moved to suspend the second reading of the Bill. The motion was not supported. The result of voting: 27 votes in favour, 51 against. The Bill was sent to the third reading.
The Bill on Amendments to the Defence Forces Service Act, the Health Insurance Act and the Social Tax Act (289 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Bill on Amendments to the Red Cross Designation and Emblem Act and the Penal Code (309 SE), initiated by the Government.
the Bill on Amendments to the Defence Forces Service Act (312 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Bill on Amendments to the Heritage Conservation Act (331 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Bill on Amendments to the Aviation Act and the State Fees Act (330 SE), initiated by the Government.
The Riigikogu concluded the first reading of ten Bills:
the Bill on Amendments to the European Parliament Election Act, the Local Government Council Election Act and the Riigikogu Election Act (338 SE), initiated by the Constitutional Committee, which repeals the provisions which prohibit exhibiting of political outdoor advertising during the time of active election campaigning and prescribe liability for violation of this prohibition. As repealing of the prohibition of political outdoor advertising eliminates the need to define the time of active election campaigning, the Bill also repeals the corresponding provisions of election Acts.
The Bill on Amendments to the European Parliament Election Act (341 SE), initiated by the Constitutional Committee, restores the procedure which was formerly in force and which provides that candidates in the list of a political party shall be re-ranked according to the number of votes cast for each candidate. According to the version of the European Parliament Election Act which is currently in force, the ranking of the candidates in the list of a political party is within the exclusive competence of political parties and if a political party receives mandates in the elections then the candidates who are further towards the top of the list are elected, regardless of the number of votes cast in favour of the candidates.
The Bill on Amendments to the Social Welfare Act, the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act and Associated Acts (370 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Bill on Amendments to § 27 and § 34 of the State Assets Act (329 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Bill on Amendments to the Public Transport Act, the Public Service Act and the Government of the Republic Act (364 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Bill on Amendments to the Investment Funds Act, the Securities Market Act, the Commercial Code and the Estonian Central Register of Securities Act (376 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Bill on Amendments to the Taxation Act, the Commercial Code and Associated Acts (377 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Police and Border Guard Bill (343 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Bill on Amendments to the Government of the Republic Act and to Other Acts in connection with Establishing of Police and Border Guard Administration (344 SE), initiated by the Government;
the Bill on Amendments to the Aviation Act and the Weapons Act (316 SE), initiated by the Government.
On the motion of the Finance Committee (53 votes in favour, 32 votes against), the Bill on Amendments to § 4 of the Income Tax Act (302 SE), initiated by the Estonian People’s Union Faction and the Estonian Centre Party Faction, was rejected at the first reading. The Bill would have suspended the reduction of the income tax rate and would have provided 21 per cent income tax rate. According to the Act which is currently in force, income tax is going to reduce to 18 per cent by 2011.
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On the motion of the Environment Committee, the Bill on Amendments to the Water Act (287 SE), initiated by the Government, was not deliberated at the third reading at the sitting today.
At Question Time, Prime Minister Andrus Ansip answered the question about state budget, submitted by Toomas Varek, and the question about the European climate package, submitted by Mart Jüssi. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Urmas Paet answered the question about neighbourhood policy, submitted by Ester Tuiksoo.
The sitting ended at 9.59 p.m.
The Riigikogu Press Service