Prime Minister Andrus Ansip gave an overview of the activities of the Government in implementing the policy of the European Union at the sitting of the plenary assembly today.

Mr. Ansip considers Estonia’s objectives in the European Union to be the positive increase of the population, and becoming one the five richest states of the EU. . “Our activities in the European Union must be directed at these targets,” he stressed.

Mr. Ansip expressed his happiness that the Riigikogu was making a big contribution to furthering the transparency of the near future of Europe. Up till now 14 Member States have ratified the Treaty establishing the Constitution for Europe, and Prime Minister expressed his hope that Estonia would be the fifteenth state to do this. “The ratification of the Treaty establishing the Constitution for Europe sends a signal that we support the development of Europe,” Prime Minister said. “It shows that the Treaty that has passed a thorough deliberation of several years is better, simpler, more democratic and more understandable to citizens than the existing jungle of treaties.”

Speaking of the present achievements, Prime Minister highlighted positive changes in the Estonian labour force market. The decrease of unemployment from 9.4 percent to 6.2 percent is the fastest in the EU. In the opinion of Prime Minister the agreement concerning the budget network for the years 2007-13, reached at the European Council in December, are of crucial importance to Estonia. According to the new budgetary prospect, more than EEK 70 billion will be allocated to Estonia. “It means that the yearly amount of the EU means at our disposal will more than double,” he stated. Prime Minister also emphasized the domains where state investments would increase. “The priorities of the Government are: educated and active people, promotion of research and development activities, better connections, smaller load on the environment and the development of regional policy.”

Members of the Riigikogu asked the Prime Minister several questions, the authorized representatives of factions took the floor.


The Riigikogu concluded the first reading of the Bill on Amendments to the Sport Act (832 SE), initiated by the government of the Republic.

The Riigikogu Press Service

