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The Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee Sven Mikser and the Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson met with the Finnish Foreign Minister Ilkka Kanerva. They discussed recent events in Estonia but mainly the situation of the Estonian Embassy in Moscow and the attack against the Estonian Ambassador Marina Kaljurand

„Russia is testing how far it is allowed to go to. Moscow has placed a moratorium not only on the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe, but seemingly also on the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, which it violates brutally,” Mihkelson noted. 

According to Mihkelson, the recent events indicate that the whole policy has changed in Russia, with interfering into Estonia’s internal affairs forming only a part of it. Mihkelson believes that the placing of the moratorium on the CFE and attacks directed against Estonia show the direction of Moscow’s further actions. 

Both Mikser and Mihkelson stated that Estonia expects the European Union to take adequate steps for resolving the situation. 

Kanerva on his turn expressed his conviction that all Member States of the European Union are unanimous in their condemnation of the violation of the Vienna Convention. Kanerva declared that Finland supports self-evidently Estonia’s sovereignty and Estonia’s right to make its own decisions in internal issues. 

The Riigikogu Press Service

