March 17
The Riigikogu passed the following Resolutions:
The Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu On Amendments to the Resolution of the Riigikogu On the Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (583 OE), submitted by the Estonian People’s Union Faction, was passed with 32 votes in favour (1 vote against). According to the Resolution, Toomas Alatalu was named instead of the alternate member of the delegation Mart Opmann.
The Riigikogu passed with 28 votes in favour the Resolution of the Riigikogu On Amendments to the Resolution of the Riigikogu on the Formation of the Estonian Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe Parliamentary Assembly (586 OE), submitted by the Foreign Affairs Committee. According to the Resolution, the alternate member of the delegation Toomas Alatalu was excluded from the membership of the delegation, Toomas Varek was appointed a new alternate member.
The Riigikogu concluded the second reading of the Flag of Estonia Bill (470 SE), initiated by the Constitutional Committee. Upon the review of the motions to amend the Riigikogu backed the motion to hoist the flag of Estonia on residential, business and bureau buildings on Independence Day as well as on Victory Day and on the Day of Restoration of Independence. Also the motion to include the 9th of May ? the Europe Day among the flag days received a positive vote.
The Estonian Centre Party Faction as the initiator withdrew from the legislative proceeding the Draft Resolution of the Riigikogu On the Formation of the Committee of Investigation to Ascertain the Circumstances related to the Export of Military Equipment from the Territory of the Republic of Estonia on the Ferry Estonia in 1994 (533 OE).
The Riigikogu Press Service