July 28
Helle Kalda, Mait Klaassen, Raivo Paavo and Jüri Tamm, former alternate members of the Riigikogu, took the oath of office of the members of the Riigikogu.
The Riigikogu passed with 47 votes in favour (36 votes against) the Act on Amendments to the Dwelling Act and § 12 of the Republic of Estonia Principles of Ownership Reform Act, refused to be proclaimed by the President of the Republic. The purpose of the Act is to repeal the provisions of the Dwelling Act, concerning the application of maximum rent rates, established by local government councils to the dwellings in municipal ownership, to the dwellings returned to legal successors, in order to eliminate the restriction set to the possession of private ownership from the Act. A provision was added to the Republic of Estonia Principles of Ownership Reform Act, pursuant to which the raising of the rent arising from the repeal of the maximum rent rate and the contestation of it will be organised pursuant to the procedure and terms established by the Law of Obligations Act.
Press Service