Minister of Finance Taavi Veskimägi replied to the interpellation (No. 118) concerning the activities of Riigi Kinnisvara AS in administering real property of the state, submitted on 17 November by six members of the Estonian Centre Party Faction.

Minister of Finance stressed that in principle the decision about the establishment of Riigi Kinnisvara AS was a right one. This kind of model is widely used in Finland, Sweden as well as in many other Member States of the European Union, where the price of rooms will essentially be brought to the market basis. It ought to motivate state agencies to look for more effective room programmes and to evaluate not only the financial, but also the material resources that are in hands of the state for the fulfilment of public functions.

Mr. Veskimägi mentioned: ?We have thoroughly analysed the named model and we consider it to be an effective and a right model, due to the afore-mentioned we were bold enough to apply this model also in case of schools.?


The Riigikogu Press Service
