At today’s meeting of the European Union Affairs Committee and the Economic Affairs Committee with European Commission Commissioner for Internal Market and Services Michel Barnier, the Single Market Act prepared by the European Commission which should be ready by mid-October was discussed.
Chairman of the EU Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson said that today’s meeting was the first hearing on this topic and the EU Affairs Committee is planning to pay heightened attention to the issue of the single market initiative.
“I liked Barnier’s idea that, in relaunching the internal market and eliminating bottlenecks, our aim is to create not a uniform but a single market which would give rise to a favourable business environment and would be useful and attractive also for the consumer,” said Mihkelson.
One input to the Single Market Act is the report by Mario Monti for relaunching the internal market. According to Monti’s report, the internal market is less popular than ever among the Member States today. Monti’s report and the new internal market strategy will be discussed in the Council of the EU and it should reach the table of the European Council in December this year.
Deputy Chairman of the EU Affairs Committee Ester Tuiksoo, members of the EU Affairs Committee Enn Eesmaa, Raivo Järvi, Mari-Ann Kelam and Mart Nutt and member of the Economic Affairs Committee Marek Strandberg, as well as Member of the European Parliament Indrek Tarand also took part in today’s meeting.
The Riigikogu Press Service