At Question Time ministers answered the questions of the members of the Riigikogu.


Prime Minister Juhan Parts answered the question of Eiki Nestor about successful policy and the question of Kadi Pärnits about social policy.


Minister of Defence Margus Hanson answered the question of Trivimi Velliste about the termination of the activities of Pärnu Single Infantry Battalion.


Minister of Finance Taavi Veskimägi answered the question of Helir-Valdor Seeder about the taxation policy and the question of Katrin Saks about the wage policy.


The Riigikogu passed the following Acts:


The Riigikogu passed with 71 votes in favour (1 abstention) the Nature Conservation Act (279 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The Act codifies the Estonian nature conservation law. The Act combines the provisions of still in force Protected Natural Objects Act, Shores and Banks Protection Act and the Protection and Use of Fauna Act, which have been improved and updated. The nature is protected by imposing restrictions on the use of important areas from the point of view of nature preservation, by taking individual species of natural fauna, flora and fungi under protection and by regulating the acts performed with the copies of fossils and minerals, and by favouring the nature education and research.


With 67 votes in favour (2 votes against) the Packaging Act (291 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic, was passed. The Act provides for specific obligations in the collection and recovery of packages and packaging waste to local government bodies as well to package entrepreneurs. The Act fixes the organisation of the recovery system of packages and the liability for the failure to meet the established requirements.


The Riigikogu passed with 66 votes in favour (2 votes against) the Republic of Estonia Education Act, Adult Education Act, Basic Schools and Upper Secondary Schools Act, Hobby Schools Act, Private Schools Act, Pre-School Child Care Institutions Act and Vocational Educational Institutions Act  Amendment Act (217 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The Act ensures a higher level of the provision of education in private schools and better protection of the rights of the students of private schools. The Act specifies the procedure for the issue of education licences, establishes more stringent requirements for the entry in the training market and specifies the circumstances upon occurring of which the Minister of Education and Research may declare the education licence of a private school invalid.


The Riigikogu passed with 76 votes in favour the Act on Amendments to the Republic of Estonia Education Act and to the Republic of Estonia Education Act and Education Allowances and Educational Loans Act Amendment Act and to the Education Allowances and Educational Loans Act (267 SE), initiated by the Estonian Reform Party Faction, Estonian People’s Union Faction and Union for the Republic ? Res Publica Faction. The Act specifies the wording of the sections which regulate partial deletion of educational loans by the state.


The Riigikogu passed with 78 votes in favour the Plant Protection Act (305 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The Act stipulates the requirements that ensure the safety of plant protection products to the health of people and animals and to the environment, also the requirements for the plant protection equipment and the bases and scope of exercising the state supervision.


The Riigikogu passed with 78 votes in favour the Rural Development and Agricultural Market Regulation Act (309 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The Act provides for the state measures for the balanced development of agricultural market, for the provision of consumers with quality food, for cost-effective production of agricultural products, for the development other economic activities in rural regions and for ensuring a fair standard of living to the residents of rural regions.


The Riigikogu passed with 76 votes in favour the Veterinary Activities Organisation Act, Animal Protection Act and State Fees Act and Code of Enforcement Procedure Amendment Act (306 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The Act appoints the Veterinary and Food Board as the organiser of the cooperation in the field of veterinary supervision between the supervisory agencies of Estonia and the European Union, stipulates the principles of financing the veterinary supervision and the principles for the calculation of the rates of fees for the veterinary supervision of animals and animal products.


The Riigikogu concluded the second reading of the following Bills:


The Bill on Amendments to the Law of Property Act, Estonian Central Register of Securities Act, Credit Institutions Act, Insurance Activities Act, Bankruptcy Act, Law of Obligations Act and Private International Law Act (312 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic.


The Veterinary Supervision over Trade in Animals and Animal Products and the Import and Export Thereof Bill (327 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic.


The Ambient Air Protection Bill (294 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic.


The Riigikogu suspended the second reading of the following Bill:


The Employment Contracts Bill (212 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The term for submission of motions to amend is 4 May, 18.00.


The Riigikogu concluded the first reading of the following Bills:


The Bill on Amendments to the Republic of Estonia Education Act, Universities Act, University of Tartu Act, Institutions of Applied Higher Education Act and Recognition of Foreign Professional Qualifications Act (323 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The term for submission of motions to amend to the Cultural Affairs Committee is 3 May, 10.00.


The Bill on Amendments to the Health Insurance Act and Health Care Services Organisation Act (264 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The term for submission of motions to amend to the Social Affairs Committee is 4 May, 18.00.


The Bill on the Accession to the Convention on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Member States of the European Union (275 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The term for submission of motions to amend to the Legal Affairs Committee is 3 May, 10.00.


The Bill on Amendments to the Riigikogu Election Act and Associated Acts to Abolish the National Lists and to Limit Election Expenditures (302 SE), initiated by the Government of the Republic. The Social Democratic Party Faction and the Isamaaliit Faction moved to reject the Bill at the first reading. The results of voting: 26 votes in favour, 47 against. The first reading of the Bill was concluded. The term for submission of motions to amend to the Constitutional Committee is 11 May, 18.00.


The sitting ended at 18.23.
