Conference “A Different Kind of Future” sought a place for Estonia in post-corona world
The Foresight Centre conference “A Different Kind of Future”, which was held on 30 September, focused on changes in global power relations and Estonia’s position in the post-corona world.
“Global power relations have been changing for some time already, we can feel its reflection the most in the changing of the relations between the USA, China and the European Union, and it is not clear yet how the technological development will change the global lines of power,” Head of the Foresight Centre Tea Danilov said. “The corona pandemic has shuffled the cards even more. Therefore it is important for Estonia to understand how the global changes will influence our welfare in the coming years.”
The conference focused on changes in global power relations, using the scenarios created in Finland (Nordic West Office) and Estonia (Foresight Centre) as a basis. Future of democracy, trade wars, artificial intelligence and energy revolution was discussed as well. Also, the development scenarios until 2040 on international maritime trade and Estonia as a flag state were presented. Both scenarios have been prepared in the Foresight Centre.
Professor David Soskice (London School of Economics), Dr Risto E. J. Penttilä (Nordic West Office), Dr Meelis Kitsing (Estonian Business School, Foresight Centre), Dr Anna Ebers Broughel (Tetra Tech and the University of Texas), Dr Sten Anspal (Estonian Centre for Applied Research CentAR) and Dr Janno Järve (Estonian Centre for Applied Research CentAR) spoke at the conference.
The conference was opened by Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Riigikogu Enn Eesmaa. Anneli Ott (Riigikogu), Marko Mihkelson (Riigikogu), Kaja Tael (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia), Jaan Pillesaar (software development company Helmes) and Andrus Durejko (Ericsson Eesti) participated in the panel discussion.
The presentations of Professor David Soskice and Doktor Risto Penttilä can be viewed on the links below.
Future of Democracy: How is It Doing and Where Is It Going?
Prof David Soskice (London School of Economics)
Where is democracy going and how sustainable is it? Should we feel optimistic or pessimistic about the future of democracy? How has the coronavirus affected the state of health of democracy?
A new Cold-War or The Roaring Twenties 2.0? ‒ Nordic West Office Global Scenarios
Dr Risto E. J. Penttilä (Nordic West Office)
Are trade wars the new normal? Who will supervise artificial intelligence? Will China take over the role of the USA in global politics and trade? What does post-corona world look like?
Foresight Centre is a think tank at the Chancellery of the Riigikogu that analyses long-term developments in society and economy. The Centre conducts research projects to analyse the long-term developments in Estonian society and to discover new trends and development directions.
Information about the research projects and completed studies of the Foresight Centre can be found here.