The Constitutional Committee, Social Affairs Committee and Cultural Affairs Committee will hold a joint meeting on Tuesday, September 16, to discuss the development of Estonia’s civil society with experts.

“A strong civil society is a precondition and a foundation of a strong democratic state. The opportunity to meet face to face at a joint public meeting is necessary to better understand each others’ expectations and wishes, and to try to carry them out together,” said the Chairman of the Constitutional Committee Rait Maruste who will open the meeting.

The agenda includes three topics. Maruste will introduce the topic of “Role of NGOs in politics”, which will be analysed by the Chairman of the Executive Board of PRAXIS Centre for Policy Studies Annika Uudelepp from the point of view of developments in the Estonian civil society.

Chairman of the Social Affairs Committee Heljo Pikhof will introduce the topic of “NGOs: stable and financially viable partners”, followed by a relevant presentation by the Chairman of the Management Board of the Estonian Social Enterprise Network Jaan Aps.

Chairman of the Cultural Affairs Committee Lauri Luik will introduce the topic of “Role of power in NGOs”; in the relevant presentation, the Executive Director of the Network of Estonian Nonprofit Organizations Maris Jõgeva will discuss problems with supporting NGOs.

Every topic will be followed by a discussion. Minister of Internal Affairs Hanno Pevkur will also make a presentation.

The precise schedule and detailed description of the presenters can be found on the page of the Constitutional Committee:

The discussion will also be broadcast online at:
