Member of the Riigikogu Marianne Mikko sent a letter to the President of the Indian Parliament Meira Kumar and the Estonian Friendship Group of the Indian parliament on behalf of the Estonia-India Parliamentary Group. Although the letter highlights the positive developments in the relations between Estonia and India and the increasingly more frequent interactions, it also expresses deep concern for the constant postponing of the judicial proceedings in the case of MV Seaman Guard Ohio, with the 14 Estonian citizens who were on board having been forced to remain under custody for 4 months by now. 

MP Mikko expressed her hope that the Indian court will be able to speed up the process and pass decisions soon, thus alleviating the suffering of the detainees and their families and putting an end to the current lack of conclusion in the issue. 

“I believe and hope that the Estonian men will return home soon. As members of the Riigikogu, we are doing everything in our power to coax the Indian side to speed up the long drawn-out process, so that the detained Estonians would soon return to their families back home,” MP Mikko commented on the letter.  

The Riigikogu Press Service 
