The Riigikogu condemns the activities of the armed forces of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, the occupying of Crimea and Russia’s attempts to split the Ukrainian society. The Riigikogu demands that the occupying forces of the Russian Federation immediately leave the territory of Ukraine and the bilateral agreement on military bases be observed.

Recognising the activities of the G7 countries and the Member States of the European Union, the Riigikogu calls on the parliaments of the countries of the world and the international organisations to express their support to preserving the territorial integrity of Ukraine and exert pressure on Russia to end its aggressive activities.

The Riigikogu condemns the activities of the Russian Federation, which are contrary to international law, including the Charter of the United Nations, the Helsinki Final Act, the Budapest Memorandum and the bilateral agreements concluded between Ukraine and Russia.

The Riigikogu underlines the importance of the Budapest Memorandum, signed in 1994, to guaranteeing international security and calls on all sides to perform their commitments.

The Riigikogu recognises the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine as the authority elected by the people, and is of the opinion that putting its legitimacy in doubt by Russia is a direct interference with the internal affairs of Ukraine.

The Riigikogu considers it necessary to send the observation missions of international organisations to Ukraine, including to Crimea, as soon as possible, and to start political dialogue to solve the issues under dispute.

The Riigikogu urges the European Union to do everything in its power to facilitate democratic, political, economic and social reforms in Ukraine, as well as take measures for concluding the association and free trade agreement quickly.

The Riigikogu calls on the international community to provide quick economic assistance to Ukraine. 

Ene Ergma
President of the Riigikogu

Tallinn, 5 March 2014

