At today’s additional sitting, the Riigikogu concluded the second reading of the State Budget of 2014 Bill (490 SE).

At the additional sitting which began today at 10 a.m., at first, the 121st motion to amend the State Budget of 2014 Bill was voted on. There were 402 motions in total. None of the motions that were voted on was supported at the sitting.

The term for submission of motions to amend for the third reading is 21 November at 5 p.m.

The Bill proposes the revenues of the coming year’s budget to amount to 8 million euro which will exceed the amount planned for this year by 349.1 million euro, that is, by 4.6 per cent. The state budget expenditures will increase by 377 million euro, that is, by 4.9 per cent, amounting to 8.06 billion euro.

An additional sitting of the Riigikogu continues until all items on the agenda have been deliberated.

The Riigikogu Press Service
