OSCE Parliamentary Assembly focuses on security and migration crisis
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly celebrates its 25th anniversary in Tbilisi, Georgia. The Annual Session of the OSCE PA in Tbilisi is attended by members of the Estonian delegation Mart Nutt, Mati Raidma and Külliki Kübarsepp.
Külliki Kübarsepp, who spoke at the Plenary Session, said that the activities of the organisation needed to be reorganised. “We have to become more practical. The security situation that has become tenser requires that. We urgently need a well-considered action plan to counter the threat of terrorism,” Kübarsepp said. “It is important to focus on looking for solutions and spend less time on endless striving for consensus. We have to stand for not allowing any country to renounce our common values and create its own rules for controlling others. All countries must respect the agreements that have been concluded,” she emphasised.
“We, politicians, have to act more conscientiously, and cooperate and give explanations. Not giving enough information paves the road to the emergence of populism and distorting the contents of common values. The role of the OSCE has to be stopping the growth of populism and protecting democratic values.” Kübarsepp said.
The OSCE Parliamentary Assembly brings together more than 300 members of parliament from 57 countries; the total number of participants is nearly 700. It is the largest annual session so far.
The topics debated at the Annual Session cover security issues, migration crisis and cooperation between countries and regions. Documents on the situation in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, which support the efforts of these countries, also have an important place.
The Annual Session will adopt the OSCE PA’s Tbilisi Declaration and elect the new President of the Assembly.
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