Nestor and Erdoğan stressed the importance of developing the relations of Estonia and Turkey
Eiki Nestor, the President of the Riigikogu, the Parliament of Estonia, and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the President of Turkey, at their meeting spoke about the relations between the two countries and providing information about the activities of the parliaments in connection with the coming elections, which will be held soon both in Estonia and Turkey.
“We are grateful to Turkey for supporting our NATO membership. This, and the accession to the European Union, strengthened the positions of our country” Nestor said. “Estonia supports the enlargement of the EU through the Eastern Partnership programme, where Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia constitute the priority” Nestor remarked. He assured that Estonia supports also Turkey’s efforts to become a member of the EU.
Nestor introduced Estonia’s activities as the Member State of the European Union, and the role of the Riigikogu, where close cooperation with the Government in preparing and defending the positions of the state has an important place.
Erdoğan acknowledged the good relations the two countries have enjoyed for decades and said he was happy that they continue. At the meeting, the economic relations of Estonia and Turkey were also discussed. Deepening of economic relations would be beneficial to both sides.
Nestor and Erdoğan considered it important to develop the relations of Estonia and Turkey through parliamentary cooperation in order to find new possibilities for cooperation in economy, culture and education.
Members of the Parliament of Turkey, including the Chair of the Turkey-Estonia parliamentary group Ms Fatoş Gürkan, took part in the meeting. The Riigikogu was represented by the Chair of the Estonia-Turkey parliamentary group Ms Kadri Simson and Deputy Chair Mr Sven Sester.
Photos of the meeting:
The Riigikogu Press Service