At Question Time, the Minister of Defence Sven Mikser, in the capacity of the Prime Minster, answered questions about civil defence. He explained that Estonia is planning its national defence on the principle of comprehensiveness, and that the government prioritises conflict prevention through credible deterrence.

Mikser noted that various civil structures carry out national defence tasks next to the Defence Forces and the Defence League. “I am sure that there are people who do not take part in the military national defence but who fulfil important roles for the functioning of the state,” Mikser said. He also said that during a crisis or a military conflict they must remain on their positions and continue their activities, which are crucial for the functioning of the state even during a crisis.

The Minister added that the legislation allows engaging people in a range of emergency tasks, if these do not form part of their direct civil duties. He sees the provision of information to people as an important part of the protection of the population, including psychological protection.

“In the use of the budgetary funds for our national defence, we should give preference to activities that create real military capabilities, which actually have a remarkable deterrent effect in the context of strengthening the independent defence capability, as well as in the context of creating the conditions and the infrastructure that Estonia’s allies need while staying here,” Mikser said in response to a question from Jaanus Karilaid.

In response to a question from Jaak Madison, Mikser explained that in addition to taking into account military national defence, the comprehensive national defence also involves the psychological protection of the population, the continuation of vital services both during war and peace, and many other responsibilities of the government and the state that need to function at all times.

Mikser also answered the question of Andres Ammas on immigration quotas, the question of Henn Põlluaas on the funding of the Defence League, and the question of Mart Helme on the acquisition of personal protection equipment for the members of the Defence Forces.

The Minister of Culture Indrek Saar answered the question of Raivo Põldaru on the cultural policy of the Social Democrats, the question of Ain Lutsepp on the principles of cultural policy, and the question of Krista Aru on organising support services for cultural institutions.

The Minister of Rural Affairs Urmas Kruuse answered the question of Siret Kotka on the support for farmers in dire economic circumstances.

The verbatim record of Question Time are available at:

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