Today the Chairman of the European Union Affairs Committee Marko Mihkelson met with Vladimir Drobnjak, Croatia’s Chief Negotiator with the European Union, who gave an overview of the progress of the negotiations.
Drobnjak explained that at Croatia’s negotiations with the EU, the obstacles that were connected with the border dispute with Slovenia have by now been removed. Most of the chapters are opened and their provisions are treated with extreme attention. The schedule of negotiations is relatively tense but it is hoped to complete them during this year, so that it would be possible to sign the Accession Agreement with the European Union during the Hungarian presidency in the first half of 2011.
Drobnjak said that a special structural unit supervised by the Prime Minister of the country has been formed to coordinate Croatia’s accession process to the European Union. The ministry of foreign affairs and the ministry of eurointegration were merged for more operative processing of information. Drobnjak assured that all main political parties of Croatia support the accession to the European Union because the importance of EU membership is understood. Our guest hopes that the parliament of Estonia will ratify Croatia’s accession agreement with the European Union.
Mihkelson expressed support to Croatia’s accession to the European Union, which would be of great importance to guaranteeing the stable situation in the whole Western Balkan region. At the same time it will open new possibilities to the country for versatile cooperation within the framework of the European community.
Mihkelson introduced Estonia’s experience both during the period of negotiations held with the European Union and as a member of the European Union. Parliamentary control that was coordinated then and is coordinated now, too, by the European Union Affairs Committee had an important role in it. Thanks to the activities of the Committee, all key issues connected with the European Union are discussed and as a result, Estonia’s positions are shaped. Mihkelson assured the guest that Estonia is ready to share its European Union experience with Croatia.
The Riigikogu Press Service